The Elitist No More


The Elitist comes in many forms.  They consider themselves to be superior than others, as in intellect, talent, power, wealth, position in society, or fame.  This can start at any age.

Whether captain of the football team, prettiest girl in school, actor, singer, dancer, spiritual teacher, or president of anything, you are still a human being first.  It is wonderful that you have gifts and talents.  It is actually a gift for you to have all that you have.  All that any of us have is a gift from God.

To be so talented, to have so much to offer in wisdom or spirituality takes passion and dedication.  Yet so many who achieve success on any level seem to forget why they even began doing what they do in the first place.  Instead of coming from a place of love for what they do, egos take over.  Once the ego takes over, you are no longer in charge of your life, no matter who you are.

Success, fame, or fortune can be a blessing and a curse.  How many times have we heard about famous people becoming such divas?  When they began, they were so sweet, kind, and thoughtful of others.  How about when we meet our favorite actor, singer, or spiritual leader and they are so rude, that it was shocking?  At some point in their journey, ego took over their lives without them even knowing it.  This why Living Conscious is so important.

To all of you elitists out there, you know who you are, it is so important to always remember who you were when you began, and why you began doing what you do.  No one is better than anyone.  If you can do what you love to do and remain kind to all at the same time, only then have you achieved true success.

Thank You For Living Consciously.