What Is Death?


What is death?  Is death the end or is it the beginning?  People feel very strongly about this subject.  There are some of us who believe that when we die, that is it, that it is the end of everything.  That we are our body and that when the body dies, there is nothing left.

I feel so sorry for people who believe this, for I truly believe with all my heart and soul that there is so much more.  I honestly believe that our soul gets to live in our body from the first breath that we take until the day that our body doesn't work anymore.  Our soul gets to live in our body, just like our body gets to live in the home that we live in.

I have been taught by many of my incredibly wise teachers that we chose our life before we ever got here.  We made  spiritual contracts to enter this life as who we are:  to be in our family, to have our friends, and to go through all that we go through in this life.  All the good times and all of the tragedies that we experience, we agreed to before we ever got here.  Our souls made the choices of all of the lessons that it needed to learn for this phase of its growth during this lifetime.

We came here to learn, to grow, and to evolve for our highest good and our highest healing.

I prefer to call death Transition.  It is a sacred moment when a baby is born and it takes its first breath of life.  The transition of when the soul leaves the body is just as sacred as when the soul enters the body at birth.  The difference is that birth brings such joy and death brings such sadness.  If we could all consider that the soul is eternal, it lives on  forever, and it is just the body that is no longer physically  here.  Perhaps a true understanding of this concept could bring some comfort to those of us left behind, when a loved one passes.

Having such faith that the experience of transition is so beautiful I have no fear of death whatsoever.  I am not suicidal in any way shape or form, but there is a large part of me that can’t wait to get there.  For the other side is the eternal love, peace, and joy that we all strive to find here in life.