Why Do Thoughts Matter?
Your thoughts are your inner voice, hopes, and dreams. Notice when thinking positive thoughts, things often move in a positive direction. On the opposite side of the spectrum, when we think negatively, the situation seems to get worse.
Though it isn’t an easy journey, there’s power in thought. Like the Olympics, you need to train. In training your mind, we all have the power to exercise the way we think. We can control our thoughts if we choose to.
Many of us simply choose to not think at all. In this day and age, with technology at our fingertips, instant gratification takes precedence and at times we shut down. We want Google, our computers, iPhones, and iPads to do everything for us.
When was the last time you looked up from your smartphone to say good morning on the elevator? Though we’ve become more connected through the web, the more important aspects of life have us out of touch. There is a growing rift between people and no longer a need to communicate face to face, rather, between screens.
Your email can wait, the text message can wait, your latest tweet doesn’t need to be sent out as soon as possible. There was a time when people lived without wireless, without the cloud, without looking down all the time. We can reclaim that life once again, by thinking. Technology is fantastic, but don’t forget about the real-life connections we’ve lost due to our constant online communication.
Thoughts matter, because many of us are simply not thinking at all.
There are so many reasons why people don’t think:
I’m too busy to think.
I don’t have time to think.
I don’t want to think.
I am too tired to think.
I am too lazy to think.
My secretary will think for me.
Here at Education For All Souls, we would like you to know how important your thoughts really are. We invite you to understand that there are endless possibilities to choose from, that whatever journey we are on, there are many avenues to get to where we are going.